What Does Every Musician Need To Know About Earning Tips?

Being a musician is one of the most rewarding careers possible when you can earn a living doing what you love. There are many different opportunities to make money when working as a musician but earning tips may be the most underrated method of boosting your income.

What Does Every Musician Need To Know About Earning Tips?

Whether or not tips have made a significant impact on your artistic career so far, here is a list of 18 things every musician needs to know about collecting tips:

Musicians Guide To Taxes – 2021

Musicians have a unique opportunity to earn money doing what they love, but despite the creative freedom to make a living sharing their art, there can be a level of stress that arises when it comes to doing taxes and factoring in the financial side of performing. Taxes can be simpler than they appear with… Continue reading Musicians Guide To Taxes – 2021

How Artists Earn More Tips with TipTree.io [Free Download]

Advanced technology has made it simpler than ever for independent musicians to record, produce, and distribute music without the financing of a record label. However, monetization and marketing continue to be two challenges that many are still trying to overcome. According to a report completed by the Future of Music Coalition, the average working musician makes just over $35,000 annually from their music career.