How To: Getting Started
With TipTree.io
In this artical we will show you the steps to
setting up your first TipTree Landing page.
Before you get started…
Here are some things to know before you get started.
- You must have a membership with TipTree.io. Click Here if you need an account.
- You will need your usernames for your venmo, cash app, paypal accounts.
- TipTree works best when you follow the instructions below.
- Additional print materials are needed to have a successful campaign.
- TipTree is not just a software but a method of marketing.
Getting Started With TipTree.io
To get started with TipTree follow the steps below.
- Login to your TipTree.io account. >>Click Here<<
- Navigate to TipTree Landing Pages
- Start by titling your first TipTree page. Most artists use the name of the band, group, or stage name.
- Next add a header image. Most artists add an image of the band, group, or artist. Make sure your image is free from text as the title of your page is present over the image. image sizes must be 700×350 for best results.
- Fan Messages: There are two types of messages presented to the fans.
Success Message: This message is presented to the fan on your landing page right after a successful form submit.
Text Message: As the title suggests this message is sent to the fan after the request is received.
- Mailing Lists: Currently there are two connections you can make Mailchimp and Constantcontact. Both of these connections need to be authorized under settings before you can chose a list.
Follow these steps to connect to an email provider Click Here - TipTree Finnacials:There are several options available with tiptree to collect tips from fans. it is HIGHLY recommend you use all of the options available. Your goal should be to cover all the electronic platforms your fans use to send money.
- TipTree Essentials: This secection can be found on the right side of your screen. It includes all of the most important information. This is information is mandatory for tiptree to operate correctly.
- Scroll back to the top of the page and click Publish or Update.
Design and Print Materials Tips
- Simply navigate to “Order Table Cards”
- Choose “Table Cards”
- Select the size of card you desire 4×6 or 5×7.
- By Default the system has selected the first landing page you created. make sure to preview the page you are linking to your cards. This will be your QR Code.
- Drag & Drop your background image directly to the upload box. Make sure your image is large and clear.
- Drag & Drop your Logo image directly to the upload box. Make sure your image is large and clear.
- Choose the quantity you want. *tip: select the most amount you would need based on the amount of tables at the largest venue you perform at.
- Go To Checkout. Don’t forget to order your acyrlic sign holders.

More How To’s
What are you interested in learning how to?

Setup Apple Pay
Learn How to Connect to Stripe and start collecting tips with Apple Pay.

Accept Credit Cards
Learn How to Connect to Stripe and start collecting tips with credit cards.

Setup Google Pay
Learn How to Connect to Stripe and start collecting tips with Google Pay.
Stop Wasting Time and Money
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